Distinguished Alumni
2019 Homecoming Ceremony

Here are the 2019 Faculty and Staff Honorees:
After teaching in Connecticut and at Air Academy Junior High, Sue joined the AAHS faculty in 1984. Sue taught in the Social Studies Department where she taught civics, street law, American history, world history, political science and economics. After retiring Sue briefly was a long term substitute teacher in the English Department. She also served for three years as a long term librarian. Sue said, “The best part of the job was getting to know so many grand people. The worst part of the job was knowing these grand people for such a brief time. In truth, I learned more from my students than they ever learned from me.”
Hank grew up on the island of Nantucket, thirty miles off the coast of Cape Cod. After graduating from Cornell University, Hank spent twenty-two years as an Army Engineer Officer with overseas assignments in Germany, Viet Nam and Iran. His duties in the United States included being an ROTC instructor at Yale University, working with the Army element of the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD), and being an advisor to the Army National Guard in Oregon.
Hank was always interested in teaching and science. While stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas, he began to think a career change might be good for his family and him. Hank left the Army and moved his family to Colorado Springs. He earned a teaching certificate at UCCS, and was hired to teach science at Air Academy High. At AAHS Hank taught earth science, biology and aerospace science. Hank and his wife Rachel have two daughters and three granddaughters. Hank says, “The high point of my life has been joining the AAHS faculty. The faculty, staff and students were all enthusiastic, supportive, and inspirational. The eighteen years I spent at AAHS were very fulfilling. I am truly grateful to have been able to be a part of this wonderful educational institution.
” After retiring, Hank became a Certified Flight Instructor and works with young people interested in aviation careers.
Trying to model a joy of learning, Mike Burns taught and developed courses that encouraged Creativity and Individuality while promoting a “hands-on” as well as a “minds-on” approach. For an elective teacher, AAHS provided the perfect atmosphere for teaching a very diverse collection of new programs, curriculum and activities – encouraged by visionary Administration and colleagues, and accomplished by fabulous students who rose to the challenges.
His career started in 1980 (following 2 years at Air Academy JHS) teaching Industrial Arts (IA) classes in Welding, Metals, Electronics, Woods, Drafting and Auto Mechanics. As IA transitioned into Technology Education (TE), he developed courses in Technology Explorations, Architectural CADD, Engineering CADD, Digital Electronics, Robotics and Computer Programming.
In the late 80’s he developed classes in Photography, initially to help Yearbook, but expanded the course offerings to include Video Production and Multimedia classes. During that time, students produced YearVideos (for 89/90, 92/93, 93/94) and filmed numerous school student Montages, Dramas, Musicals, and Graduations.
One year (’96), under Principal Pierson’s leadership, Burns ran an alternative program for at-risk students (Career Academy). This involved teaching English, Science, Math and Social Studies under a technology umbrella. In 1998, also at Pierson’s prompting, Burns implemented the Engineering Pathway with the Project Lead The Way (PLTW) curriculum. AAHS was one of two schools outside of NY to install the program, today found in all 50 states and beyond. He and Jason Buhler built the Pathway courses into a highly successful program, with Honors level classification and college credit available for students. Graduates of the pathway receive special diploma designation and are awarded a medal for graduation. Burns taught Introduction to Engineering Design, Digital Electronics, Civil Engineering/Architecture, and Computer Integrated Manufacturing during the last 15 years of his career.
Cal Craig began his career in District Twenty in 1957. He was the first teacher hired by Principal/Superintendent Howard Dunning. Cal taught industrial arts in the garage area of the Carlson Mansion. He taught for three years before he became the assistant principal at Air Academy Junior/Senior High School. He later moved to the central office as an administrative assistant to the superintendent. As the district grew in size, he was appointed as the Director of Auxiliary Services which included oversight of the building of all new facilities. He held that position until he retired in 1993.
Maura Glueckert was born in Covington, KY. After high school, Maura attended the University of Cincinnati where she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in English. She later earned a Master of Arts degree in reading and English from the University of Florida. Maura taught English and reading at Air Academy Junior High and English at Air Academy High School. Maura served the co-chair of the AAHS English Department. She was the recipient of the prestigious John Asbury District Twenty Teacher of the Year award. Maura also served as the librarian at Pine Creek High School.
Judy grew up in Reseda, California where she met and married her high school sweetheart and shortly after became an Army spouse. She travelled the world raising two children until settling down in Colorado Springs in 1986. Judy started at AAHS in the attendance office where she remained as it transitioned into the student services department and supported just about every athletic event. She loved her job and her students, her kind and loving nature was surpassed only by the lasting impact it had on those who knew her. Over the years, numerous AAHS alumni have commented that if it wasn’t for her, they would have never made it through high school. She begrudgingly retired after being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013. Judy passed away in February of 2018 after a five year heroic battle with breast cancer…. she remained a Kadet till the end.
Steve’s interest in science and running began in a one-room sod house on the plains of Nebraska with a beat up telescope, a used pair of Nike waffle racing shoes and a crazy dream. Steve said, “Only a lucky few get to turn their passions into a career. Sharing the wonders of the night sky and helping young people realize their potential in the context of distance running was the best gig imaginable!” Steve went on to say, “Getting to do it at a high school the caliber of Air Academy made it even more amazing! It’s true what they say, ‘Once a Kadet, Always a Kadet’.” Steve said, “People have asked me why I chose teaching and coaching? I’m pretty sure it chose me.”
“It was a profound honor to get to work with some of the finest young people on the planet. Their boundless energy and idealism were a constant inspiration.”