Mike Lynch, Paul Angelico, Julie Fairley, and Brink Spear at the AAHS 60th Anniversary Gala.
Julie Fairley, Board of Directors Treasurer
My background: Born and raised in Gary, Indiana, I came to Colorado in 1970. The next year, I started teaching at Air Academy Junior High. After 9 years there (5 as Assistant Principal), I transferred to AAHS where, much to my joy and honor, I became the Principal during the 1980s. Eventually, I became the Director of Secondary Education in District 20 before moving on to Littleton and Douglas County. After retiring from DCSD, I became a consultant and was fortunate to work in many states and foreign countries including Germany, Italy, and Dubai. I was also privileged to have three books about leadership published. But, as the saying goes, “There is no place like home.” And so, I am now happy to be able to come “home” to AAHS as a member of Legacy.
Why I shared this photo: I chose this picture because of the wonderful Kadets in it. Mike Lynch, Paul Angelico, and Brink Spear are the epitome of the talent and dedication that made AAHS the outstanding school it is.
Why I’m an educator: I saw a quote when I was very young, and I never forgot it: “A teacher affects eternity. She never knows where her influence stops.’ (Henry Adams). As time passed, I realized that everyone is both a learner and a teacher throughout their lives and I wanted to do my best to be good at both in service to the students.
Quirky things about me: Although my family has been in the country for 5 generations, I still hold fast to my Irish-ness.
Ask me how much I love: Kadets and I will tell you…"to the moon and back."